Christmas Time

December 23, 2011 § Leave a comment


Why is it that during this time of year, I spend most of the time stressing? This is somewhat what my head sounds like:

Shopping! Shopping! Shopping! Something for him and her and her and him, and what should I get for so and so and will they like it? I already bought it, maybe I should take it back. I know, I can exchange it. I’ll get ’em this thing instead, but what color? What size ? Oh man, I wonder how much is left in my bank account? If I wait till the end of the week when I get paid again, then I can get one more thing for him or her. Will I even have time? I had better not worry about it. But what if there aren’t enough gifts? What if they got me a bunch of stuff and we are in the midst of the gift giving session and there isn’t enough from me? Will they be mad? Will they think I’m cheap? Ahh, really? That’s crazy! I can’t think about it anymore…hmmmm, I’m hungry. Is that fudge! I love fudge. Yum! Wait! Don’t eat that. You shouldn’t eat that. You’re getting fat.

So are we having fun yet? I don’t know, I think so! Yea I am, for sure~because I know that when it’s all said and done and the last gift has been opened and I’m looking at Christmas day in my rear view mirror, I’m going to feel that inevitable sadness that follows. I know I will have to wait a whole year before I will get to experience the beauty of the season, the smell in the air and the twinkling lights. But mostly the joy of giving to the people who are closest to me. That exhilarating mental game of trying to figure out what so and so will like and that anticipation that I feel in hoping that they will like it.

I know that it’s Jesus birthday and that is the reason for the season, and although it sounds like I am missing the point of Christmas, in some weird way, I think it’s His way of teaching me that giving isn’t always comfortable, but in the long run, it will bring me joy and in just 11 or 12 months I will get to enjoy one of my favorite times of the year all over again. Christmas time!

Breakfast in Portland

December 1, 2011 § Leave a comment


 We (Judith and I) liked the way this picture of her was sort of washed out. So I decided to use it. We had gone to a place that was one of their favorites. We were starved and also in need of a bloody mary.   I remember one thing about this place, and it’s not the name, but rather the meals came to you in little baby frying pans. So cute!

mini fry pans!

Anything little or tiny has always fascinated me. Judith says it’s the same for her. Anyway, the food was great and it got us off to a good start for some Black Friday shopping, which I might add is when we scored “the shoes” for the wedding.